Thursday, October 28, 2010

Second to this?

So yeah now I shall try and sum up other things than just TTC issues that have been going on. My step dad had surgery today on his hand and arm from a injury working for the bus service.
  Speaking of, NEVER take that job its dangerous!
   He was beat up so many times I cant even count.
 He is home now however our worries lead to more than his hand surgery. He is most likely suffering from early onset of Alzheimer's and my mom is a mess! the Dr keeps telling her to wait and see and why would she want to know anyways?    Soooo many things I find wrong with this Dr telling her that!  It is not as if he forgot to send out a letter. He is confused and forgetting most things important. I and my nursing friends from school are on the case and hopefully soon we will find the right Dr.

        I am typing this and at the same time I want to throw up in my own mouth! it is yet to be known (to general population) that Dr's really know nothing more than a educated guess and I am open to finding a Dr that begs to differ with me?
  Working in this whole medical field and school and research and blah blah I have come to my own personal opinion.
       You all are free to make your own of course.  I just feel we give some people to much credit and take it as the end all be all.
       I hope someone is reading this and has a  horrible diagnosis and yet finds this inspiring enough to get that second opinion. Really after all our Dr's are just educated friends and from one undereducated friend to another we should always seek second opinion's!


  1. EEK! Hope his hand heals fast.
    You guys definitely need to find a new doctor. That doc makes me wanna hit him.
    Why wouldn't he try to put your mind at ease and just amuse you.
    Doesn't make sense.

  2. I agree!! It's also disturbing how many people don't take an active role in their own care. Don't just mindlessly do anything the doc says without knowing why! Ask questions! Get involved! Ultimately it's your body! :)

    PS - Keep it up on the blogging! Takes a little bit to gather up followers, but then before you know it you've got a nice little group of folks!
